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irish northern aid造句

  • He was active in the Irish Northern Aid Committee, and the Irish American Unity Conference.
  • Morrison travels the nation talking to groups such as the Ancient Order of Hibernians and Irish Northern Aid about conditions in Northern Ireland.
  • The Boston chapter of the Irish Northern Aid Commission marched with black armbands and a sign reading " England Get out of Ireland"
  • He also traveled to the United States to help found Irish Northern Aid, the Provisional IRA's fund-raising arm overseas.
  • The scene, to be sure, stood in stark contrast to the modest, sometimes clandestine fund-raisers held in the past for Irish Northern Aid.
  • The couple have raised tens of thousands of dollars over the past two decades for Sinn Fein through their leadership roles in New York State Irish Northern Aid.
  • Murray, 59, a native of the Albany suburb of Colonie, was the first and only American national director of Irish Northern Aid ( NORAID ).
  • "For the soul of Bobby Sands, let us pray, " said Gerry Coleman, the political education director of Irish Northern Aid Committee.
  • As Adams did his rounds, Irish America's chief support organization for the IRA, Irish Northern Aid, or NORAID, wondered about its role in the new entente cordiale.
  • Joining Sinn Fein's leaders on a platform were spokespeople for Britain's Troops Out Movement, Basque separatists, and America's Irish Northern Aid fund-raising group.
  • It's difficult to see irish northern aid in a sentence. 用irish northern aid造句挺难的
  • The Kansas City chapter of Irish Northern Aid, a nonprofit organization to help families of Irish political prisoners, raised $ 2, 000 last fall to help Morrison's defense fund.
  • Set up by the Irish Northern Aid Committee and local Irish-Americans, it stands in a traffic island known as Bobby Sands Circle at the bottom of Maple Avenue near Goodwin Park.
  • In 1970, after 43 years in the United States, he was one of the founders of the Irish Northern Aid Committee, which claims to be a charitable organization for the children of British political prisoners.
  • Four years ago, Flynn recalled Tuesday, two acquaintances came to his Manhattan office on Park Avenue to ask for a contribution to the Irish Northern Aid Committee, whose stated goal is to assist political prisoners.
  • In 1974, Wagner was elected chairman of the University of Minnesota Irish Northern Aid chapter, and became a regular contributor of articles and cartoons opposing British imperialism for the Republican News in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
  • The group Irish Northern Aid ( NORAID ) funneled money to the Irish Republican Army ( IRA ) that was used to buy weapons used to blow up civilians and members of the British government, military and police.
  • Friends called all day to congratulate Gerry Coleman, political education director of the Irish Northern Aid Committee, whose stated aim is to support families of prisoners in Northern Ireland, but which has been accused of financing IRA violence.
  • This was stated by the Irish Northern Aid Committee in legal filings and in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs in the case of associates of the Kashmiri American Council as compared to earlier treatment of the American Zionist Council.
  • Throughout the worst of the original IRA's three-decade campaign in Northern Ireland and Britain, U . S . authorities allowed its two affiliated groups _ Irish Northern Aid and Green Cross prisoners aid _ to operate legally.
  • Martin Galvin, a spokesman for Irish Northern Aid, an organization known as Noraid, which supports the IRA, said : " I would react to today's historic announcement with a mixture of hope, vigilance and guarded optimism.
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